Render unto Trump things which are Trump's
Render therefore unto Trump the things which are Trump's (material things of this world that is physical); and unto God the things that are God's (Your Holy Spirit; Kingdom of Heaven that is a higher realm of the Spirits) -- New Book of Matthew 22:21 Imagine Jesus accepting a position in the high council of the rabbis or Sanhedrin or w.e. for shekels. Be like Jesus. Reject these gold worshipers who make fiat money to control the free resources of this planet. There are better worlds than this, this world always disappoints . Adam, Eve and their descendants fell into this world as a punishment. If you sin more you go lower. There is no teacher who can teach you anything knew; your subconscious knows all of this already. It takes a traumatic experience like getting crucified for you to ascend to the highest worlds, worlds of your eternal self that is godly, of thine Holy Spirit. That is why many souls stay trapped in ...