Neo-Christian meditation, indulgence & abstinence

Christ went to the extremities of non indulgence. You go the other way: indulge in all sensory pleasures until you get tired of them and focus on serious matters instead. Either way you shall find the truth. Or make it three ways: Hedonism, moderation and asceticism to the extreme.

Better yet do an inter et para phasory physical n spiritual cycle, indulge then on indulge then back to indulgence like the repetitious cycle of the day and the night. Pray as you wish whenever you wish whenever you feel like praying. You indulge in this world while praying at the same time, i.e. material + spiritual exercise towards perfection of the body, mind, soul and the spirit to cleanse it enough to become part of the Holy Spirit in the afterlife.

Possible phases of meditation that a neoXian monk/nun can employ:

Piety level depends on soul to soul basis.


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