Humble beginnings
Saith Christ to his disciples, "Consider these clergymen who preach in my name, their lives in luxury, spent in expensive churches created in my name, where they sin and preach blasphemy. They are not of me."
"For the church created for me is that in a beggar's place of worship, wherever he sitteth, that is my church. In the graveyards, see my kingdom, their graves is my church, whosoever believeth in me, he establishes my kingdom on this earth."
"What good is baptism on a body that is not full of the Holy Spirit? Truly i tell you, a soul that is baptised in the Holy Spirit is better than a man who performeth the rituals of baptism only to be seen by the world. That man is not baptised, for the baptism of your holy spirit is done by faith and deeds unseen by the world and its people."
"Woe unto those who drinketh my blood, yet follow not my path, the path towards deliverance, call themselves christians, they believe in me not! Walk the path of the Holy Ghost if you truly believe. Suffer the way Christ suffered for you if you truly believe."
Shit be cray