Reality is a Dream
In the panentheistic framework of the Neo-Christian set of beliefs, The Dreaming is a sacred era in which ancestral Holy Spirit formed The Creation.
"Dreaming" is also often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality. Dreaming stories vary throughout the World, with variations on the same theme. Stories cover many themes and topics, as there are stories about creation of sacred places, land, people, animals and plants, law and custom. It is a complex network of knowledge, faith, and practices that derive from stories of creation. It pervades and informs all spiritual and physical aspects of a NeoXian's life.
We believe that every person essentially exists eternally in the Dreaming. This eternal part existed before the life of the individual begins, and continues to exist when the life of the individual ends. Both before and after life, it is believed that this spirit-child exists in the Dreaming and is only initiated into life by being born through a mother. The spirit of the child is culturally understood to enter the developing fetus during the fifth month of pregnancy. When the mother felt the child move in the womb for the first time, it was thought that this was the work of the spirit of the land in which the mother then stood.
"Dreaming" is also often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality. Dreaming stories vary throughout the World, with variations on the same theme. Stories cover many themes and topics, as there are stories about creation of sacred places, land, people, animals and plants, law and custom. It is a complex network of knowledge, faith, and practices that derive from stories of creation. It pervades and informs all spiritual and physical aspects of a NeoXian's life.
We believe that every person essentially exists eternally in the Dreaming. This eternal part existed before the life of the individual begins, and continues to exist when the life of the individual ends. Both before and after life, it is believed that this spirit-child exists in the Dreaming and is only initiated into life by being born through a mother. The spirit of the child is culturally understood to enter the developing fetus during the fifth month of pregnancy. When the mother felt the child move in the womb for the first time, it was thought that this was the work of the spirit of the land in which the mother then stood.
We believe that, before humans, animals, and plants came into being, their 'souls' existed; they knew they would become physical, but not when. And when that time came, all but one of the 'souls' became plants or animals, with the last one becoming human and acting as a custodian or guardian to the natural world around them.
Traditional NeoXians embrace all phenomena and life as part of a vast and complex system-reticulum of relationships which can be traced directly back to the ancestral Holy Spirit of The Dreaming.
The Creation was believed to be the work of the Holy Spirit Christ who travelled across a formless land, creating sacred sites and significant places of interest in his travels. In this way churches were established, some of which could be found right across the World.
In the NeoXian world view, every event leaves a record in the land. Everything in the natural world is a result of the actions of the archetypal being, whose actions created the world. The meaning and significance of particular places and creatures is wedded to their origin in the Dreaming, and certain places have a particular potency, which the NeoXian call its Church.
In one version (there are many NeoXians cultures), Yahweh was the god of the Dreamtime; he created the Earth and then retired as the Dreamtime vanished, i.e. panentheistic deism. Alternative names for Yahweh in other languages include Adonai, God, Christ, YHWH and Jehovah.
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