Gospel of Apostle Sarah: Chapter 2

Original Manuscript in Greek
2: 1 Μετά από την Αγία Γραφή στο Όρος, ο Ιησούς το λέει αυτό στη Σάρρα: "Πίστεψες τα λόγια μου, σπρώξτε τα λόγια του Θεού".
2: 2 Και ο Ιησούς λέει: «Οτιδήποτε περνάτε, κάθε ψυχή περνάει».
2: 3 "Δεν υπάρχει ψυχή πάνω από σας ή κάτω από σας".
2: 4 "Κάθε ψυχή που έχετε συναντήσει, συμπεριλαμβανομένου και εσάς, είναι μέρος του Θεού, είναι ο Ιησούς".
2: 5 "Κανείς δεν είναι ο μονογενής γιος ή κόρη του Θεού".
2: 6 Η Σάρρα έφυγε και δεν βρήκε πουθενά, λίγες μέρες πριν την προσκυνήγηση του Χριστού, αυτή τη φορά από χριστιανούς, τους ίδιους τους ανθρώπους που πιστεύουν σ 'αυτόν, επειδή δεν αναγνώριζαν τον Κύριο τους, καθώς οι Εβραίοι δεν αναγνώριζαν τον Μεσσίας , τον Κύριό τους, πριν από δύο χιλιάδες χρόνια.
2: 7 Η Σάρα είπε στους άλλους αποστόλους, συμπεριλαμβάνει την Ελεονόρα και την Χριστίνα: «Όταν θα πεθάνει, Πάρτε τον και τον κόψτε με μικρά αστέρια και θα κάνει το πρόσωπο του ουρανού τόσο λεπτό, Ότι όλος ο κόσμος θα είναι ερωτευμένος με τη νύχτα, και να πληρώνουν τη λατρεία στον φρικτό Υιό. "
2: 8 Και ο Χριστός δίδαξε στη Σάρα τα μυστικά των κόσμων.
2: 9 Διδάχτηκε ο Χριστός: "Εμπνευστείτε από την ομορφιά της ζωής, παρατηρήστε τα αστέρια και δείτε τον εαυτό σας να τρέχει μαζί τους" Υπάρχουν αμέτρητες διαστάσεις πέρα ​​από αυτό που είναι γνωστό στον άνθρωπο Διαστάσεις τόσο απέραντες όσο διάστημα και ατελείωτες όσο το άπειρο, λόγοι μεταξύ φωτός και σκιάς, μεταξύ επιστήμης και δεισιδαιμονίας. "
2:10 "Δόξα στον Θεό, είναι για πάντα, είναι Θεός, είναι Δημιουργός της Πραγματικότητας, το πνεύμα του είναι παντού και μας αγαπά".


1 aft'r the s'rmon on the mount, jesus saith this unto sarah: "spread mine own w'rds.  Did spread thee the w'rds of god. "

2:2 and jesus saith, "whatev'r thee wend through, ev'ry soul goeth through. "

2:3 "no soul is above thee 'r beneath thee. "

2:4 "ev'ry soul yond thee've ev'r encount'red, enwheeling yourself, is parteth of god, is jesus. "

2:5 "none is the only begotten son 'r daught'r of god. "

2:6 sarah hath left, and wast nowh're to hath found, until few days bef're christ's recrucifixion, this timeth at the hands of christians, the v'ry people yond believeth in that gent, f'r those gents did recognize not their l'rd, as the jews didst not recognizeth their messiah, their l'rd, two thousand years pri'r.

2:7 sarah hath said to the oth'r apostles, includeth eleon'ra and christina, “when that gent shalt kicketh the bucket, taketh that gent and cutteth that gent out in dram stars, and that gent shall maketh the visage of heaven so fine, yond all the w'rld shall beest in loveth with night, and payeth w'rship to the garish son. ”

2:8 and christ did teach sarah the secrets of the w'rlds.

2:9 did teach christ, "dwell on the beauty of life.  Gaze the stars, and seeth yourself running with those folk.  Th're art countless dimensions, beyond yond which is known to sir.  Dimensions as vast as space and as timeless as infinity, middle grounds between lighteth and shadow, between science and sup'rstition. "

2:10 "gl'ry beest to god! that gent is f'rev'r! that gent is god! that gent is creat'r of reality; his spirit is ev'rywh're, and that gent loves us. "

Contemporary English
2:1 After the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus saith this unto Sarah: "Spread my words. Spread thee the words of God."

2:2 And Jesus saith, "Whatever you go through, every soul goes through."

2:3 "No soul is above you or beneath you."

2:4 "Every soul that you've ever encountered, including yourself, is part of God, is Jesus."

2:5 "None is the only begotten son or daughter of God."

2:6 Sarah left, and was nowhere to found, until few days before Christ's recrucifixion, this time at the hands of Christians, the very people that believe in him, for they recognized not their Lord, as the jews did not recognize their Messiah, their Lord, two thousand years prior.

2:7 Sarah said to the other apostles, includeth Eleonora and Christina, “When he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine, That all the world will be in love with night, And pay worship to the garish Son.”

2:8 And Christ taught Sarah the secrets of the worlds.

2:9 Taught Christ, "Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. There are countless dimensions, beyond that which is known to man. Dimensions as vast as space and as timeless as infinity, middle grounds between light and shadow, between science and superstition."

2:10 "Glory be to God! He is forever! He is God! He is Creator of Reality; his spirit is everywhere, and he loves us."


  1. i wonder why you linked this page to quora?it has no sense at all.

    1. It's one of the gospels of the neobible of neoxianity!


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